We want to create spaces for people to be seen, safe, and heard.
Oasis isn’t just a grocery store. It’s a home base for people to access the essentials. We’re incredibly proud to serve these communities with our own resources and through our partner organizations.

Make an immediate impact on the lives of your neighbors.
Oasis Projects is a nonprofit organization funded by grants, donors, and investors. Support our mission of bringing hope to low-access communities by donating today.
Explore Oasis Projects
Utility + Rent Assistance
Oasis helped 3,000+ people with utility and rent bills in 2022.
Housing Application Assistance
Oasis helped more than 4,000+ people submit housing applications in 2022.
Job Placement and Workforce Development | empowered by Oasis
In partnership with Oklahoma’s Department of Commerce, Oasis offers resumé help, mock interview training, and job opportunities.
Financial Literacy | empowered by Oasis
Oasis promotes financial literacy in the community through classes and coaching.
Family and Children’s Services | empowered by Oasis
Visitors can connect with counselors, case workers, and mental health experts through Tulsa-based organization Family and Children’s Services.
Immunization Records | empowered by Oasis
During the back-to-school season, Oasis partners with the Tulsa Health Department to obtain immunization records for students.
On-Site Vaccines | empowered by Oasis
Through partnership with the Tulsa Health Department, Oasis shoppers can conveniently access vaccines for COVID and the flu.
Free Legal Help | empowered by Oasis
Oasis partners with the University of Tulsa School of Law to provide free legal assistance to those in need.
Health Screenings | empowered by Oasis
Oasis partners with Morton Health Clinic to provide blood sugar testing and sends at-risk patients to see a doctor for free.
Record Expungement | empowered by Oasis
Visitors can seek record expungement assistance through Expungement Exposed.
Oasis Holiday Giveaways
Oasis organizes holiday events to give away groceries, coats, and gift cards.
Find hope. Get connected. Access help.
Check out our upcoming events held at Oasis Fresh Market.